Friday 19 October 2012

Research into how magazines advertise albums/singles

Reckless love in Kerrang –

This magazine article advertises Reckless Love’s album ‘Animal Attraction’. When looking at the page the main central image are the band members posing with a snake. This picture appeals to the audience as it connotes a certain rock look; one that is stereotypical of the genre. When looking at this picture it appeals to the audience by giving the band a rebellious attitude look, this is through the clothes and facial expression. The band’s name is in bold typeset just above the article, this isn’t bold and doesn’t stand out and doesn’t over complicate the advertisement. The information is small in the corner; this would be used to keep the majority of the viewers focus on the images of the band. There is a small article at the bottom of the page giving information on the band. This allows the audience to know about the band.

Pulled apart by horses in Kerrang-

Pulled Apart By Horses album ‘Tough Love’ is advertised in a short article at the front of the magazine. The article is small and sponsored by HMV which is highlighted through the purple background and the large HMV logo and slogan at the bottom.  The writing is in white simple typeset this is done to keep consistency with the HMV style and not over complicate the advertisement. The only image relating to the band is the album in the middle. This is small and doesn’t create an impact on the audience, it doesn’t give a sense to the attitude or likeability of the band.

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