Monday 22 October 2012


How they are marketed?


Tour Poster-

This poster is advertising a tour that Paramore are participating in. The tour is clearly sponsored by Honda, the car company. This is shown through the small writing at the bottom and the car with a music related statement on it. The small writing also states the address to the Paramore website enabling the audience to see then access the page. The picture in the centre has been edited to create an artistic look, it creates the impression the band are professional. The poster also contains all band members portraying that the focus isn't on one particular member. The typeset is pretty basic on a simple layout, this means it doesn't over complicate the poster allowing the audience to find the information quick and easy; not over complicating it. This helps market the band as it answers their questions and gives them enough information to attend the tour.

Single Poster-

The colour pallet of the poster advertising the single is similar to the one advertising the tour; which create a repetitive theme allowing the audience to recognise the band straight away. The main image is one of the band posing around a piano. In this image the band are happy and posing. The connotations the audience get from this is that the band are happy and their focus is around the music. The album cover is also edited on to enable the audience to see what product they're buying making it easier for them to find. Another thing that helps this is the information that is made to look stuck on the side. It helps market the band as it gives the audience a clear understanding of the what they're going to buy and where.


The Razorlight poster is the album cover with edited on information. The plain white background creates a simplistic relaxed feel about the advertisement. This means that the poster is not over complicated and therefore doesn't confuse the audience. The image is also edited in an artistic way, like the Paramore one, This gives the audience the impression that the band are professional and not armatures encouraging them to listen to the album. The typeset is simple and consistent throughout; which also emphasis the professional look and adds to the simplistic effect. This helps market the band as the information about the album is quick and easy to find and not too complicated. This means the audience are more likely to find and buy the product.

Vampire Weekend-

The Vampire Weekend poster advertising their new album is extremely simplistic. One half is a box with the face of the album cover; which makes it personal to the band. The other half is simple typeset with a dark colour pallet and simple layout giving a small bit of information. Although the information provided isn't a lot, it give the audience enough to know who the band is what the album is called and when it is out. This poster is simple and doesn't over complicate what it's advertising as it is very personal to the band. This doesn't necessarily help market the band but it gives the audience enough information to buy the bands product.

A common feature of all posters are that they are very simplistic and posed with a simple layout and typeset. As all posters I have analysed relate to my chosen genre, I will also try to involve the repetitive designs in my poster.

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