When considering creating a website I first found a reliable site that allowed me to, therefore I used Wix.
Once on Wix I chose a template I thought once edited would look appropriate to my genre and create an impact.

1. This is the template I chose, when looking at the placing of the pictures I could imagine pictures of my artist and the simple layout resembled ones that I had looked at originally when doing research.
2. I then changed the background to black. I did this as it is the colour most appropriate to
genre and matches the attitude that my artist would portray. I also felt that the black would enable the other colours to stand out more; making more of an impact.
3. My next step when creating my website was to delete all the boxes and picture to have a clear black back ground. When looking at other band websites of my genre a common aspect was a page with large writing or a symbol on to lead you into the actual website (For example, 30 seconds to mars and paramour website use this feature). This inspired me to do add this feature on my website. To do this I took the large font of my advert and pasted this on to the 'enter' page. I did this to create a sense of consistency and a professional look.
4. When looking at the background I thought it looked slightly dull and a page of my genre would at least have some effect, with this in mind I then chose a grey background that looks like a dirty wall/metal. I also felt that the page looked plain and needed some features to exaggrate the 'rebellious' theme. To improve on this I added different sized paint stains; this was to reinforce the sense that my artist has a subdersive attitude. However, I still thought that the page didn't create enough impact and decided that making the words 'Confidential Riot' flash would make the words stand out. Finally, I linked both 'Confidential Riot' and the word 'Enter' to the home page.
Inspiration for my choice
This was my inspiration for the 'Enter Page'. The 30 Seconds To Mars website uses a singal feature and added a spinning animation to it. I liked the feature and tried to add animation to my product but having a flash animation. These I feel grab the audience intrest and give the audience a specific idea of what genre the artist is.
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