3 Doors Down Album Cover-
The main image on 3 doors down’s album cover is one of the
band stood in a row, by doing this the audience get a good look at who is in
the band and there is no main focus. However the lead singer is stood slightly
closer to the camera. This may have been done to exaggerate that he is the most
important/valued. The band is posing yet with determined facial expressions,
rather than smiling happy facial expressions. This is done to portray the band
of having some sort of attitude which relates to the stereotypical view of the
genre. The colour pallet of the album is grey and black. The lack of colours relates to the convention of the genre and the contrasting white against those
colours draw attention to the name of the band. The typeset is simple and bold;
by doing this it doesn't over complicate the album cover and allows the audience
to easily read the name and identify them.
30 Seconds To Mars Album Cover-
The main image on the album cover is of a boy; not of the
band. This may have been done because it relates to the context of a song or
the band feels it artistic or represents them in some way. The background is white; by doing this it contrasts
the colour of the boy in the image, this allows it to grab the audience’s
attention. The typeset is bold, simple and red, which is easy to read. This is
done as it contrasts against the white background and the bright colour stands
out form the rest of the album; which gets the audience’s attention.
All Time Low Album Cover-
The main image is a drawing of people. The person closer to
the camera doesn't has a face but has the album name on his t-shirt. This is
done as it adds an artist style to the album making it different to other
albums of this genre. The people in the background are in black and white yet
the person in the front is wearing orange and above is green. These bright
colours contrast against the black and white. The bands name is in bright
orange matching the shirt of the person. The colour pallet all contrast
allowing it to stand out and get the audience’s attention; achieving it’s
purpose. The typeset is bold and easy to read, it doesn't over complicate the
album and allows the audience to easily identify what band it is.
Bullet For My Valentine Album Cover-

Snow Patrol Album Covers-

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