Original Picuture-
Part of my process when editing my picture was to make it black and white. I also increased the whiteness of the yellow colours to make the half of the picture which shows skin become even brighter. I have done this as I feel it adds a certain dramatic effect; which relates to my chosen genre.

When the picture was taken the model had 'Riot' written on his hand; as I originally thought this would relate the picture to the band and create an artistic effect. However, when I came to edit my photo I found that the writing looked unprofessional and created a distraction from the drama of the photo itself. This means mean I had to remove the writing of the models wrist to create more focus on the artist.

Artists Name Font And Editing-
When creating the magazine advert i had to consider the typeset of my bands name. These are the options I considered:
Typeset 1) I like the aspect of dirtiness with this typeset as I believe it links appropriatly to the attitude my band would like to poprtray; when taking into account my genre of alternative rock. However, I felt it didnt create a big impact when looking at it from and audiences perspective.
Typeset 2) The lines coming off the typeset reminded me of music beats and this I tought would appeal to the audience and make it clear that they are a band. I also felt the 'shockwave' effect gave it a sense of attitude. However, I felt it over complicate the advert as I am keeping the rest of the advert simple, this typeset would look out of place.
Typeset 3) When choosing this typeset I believe it created a worn down effect that can be assosiated with the attitude my band would like to create. Although, I believe the lines over complicate it and take away the simplistic style I was originally aiming for.
Typeset 4) This typeset I feel not only provided the 'attitude' my genre would like to portray but the simplistic style I was looking for. I experimented with taking editing the typeset but fely it worked better as an original.
After experimenting with the size and positioning of the typeset I came to the conlusion that this position and size fitted it the best. The postitioning allows the audience to see clearly the name of the artist; which enables them to easily identify with the band. The size also makes it easier to see and read, it also helps the typeset to stand out to the audience. I chose the colour red specifically because I believe the contrast with the black and white picture allows the name to stand out. I also believe that it suits the rebelious portrayal of the genre; this allows the audience to have a breif idea of genre the artist is if they have never heard of them.

I then decided to edit the typeset as it looked plain and didn't create as much as an impact as it could have. To add dramatic effect I created ainner shadow, this was to add a darker effect around the typeset and add some fading to make the typeset look more professional and detailed. I then added an outer glow, this was to create definition around the typeset to seperate the colours slightly more by using a colour that contrasts with the background. I used the ineer glow to create the same effect but this time i used a arker colour so the colours would blend and look proffessional. After this I used the bevel and embass effect, this allowed me to create and effect whichgave the typeset a smoother and 3D effect. I felt this worked as it jumps out to the audience as the effect resembles one thatjumps out the page. FinallyI used the stroke effect (as shown above) by doing this it allowed the typeset to look more in place and smooth, by matching the colour with the light grey on his hair it stayed with in the colour pallet and created consistancy as seen through most music magzine adverts. My final typeset for my title is as the one shown above.

My next step was to add the 'released on' section. While anaylsing other magazine adverts a common aspect that I found was that this typeset is simplistic and this is to not over complicate the advert. I have followed this rule and picked a simple typeset and added a dark inner glow, to create a detailed fading effect and an outer shadow, to allow the typeset to stand out; this makes it easier for the audience to read it.
For the release date I wanted to show importance. I did this through making the colour the same as the title and larger than the 'released on' this adds dramatic effect and enables the audience to pick out the specific information when required. To create more of an impact I added an inner glow to show a fading effect making it stand out more.

For the featuring and the song name I repeated what I had done before. I did this to create consistancy and therefore looks the typeset professional. The colours allow the audience to select the important information.

To make the advert relate to real adverts I added the where the CD would be available. I picked HMV and iTunes as these are the place that aim for my target audience therefore I believe they are approriate to my genre.

After looking at my magazine advert I relaised that it didnt have enough information on it. I changed the top of the magazine advert and added an album name in a scratchy white font to create contrast and make it stand out. The style of the typeset also creates a rebellious look relating to my genre. I then made the font below smaller to stop the page looking over complicated. I also changed the colour to grey and red, the grey doesnt stand as it's not important imformation and the red draws some intrest but not too much meaning the audience arent distracted by the use of several different contrasting colours.
This is my final piece, I have moved my label to the top so the audience can see the picture fully and get the full impact.